Saturday 23 March 2013

Boys on film

I've been a bit slack on the old blogging front of late. Work, trying to move house and the fact that human beings need to, you know, sleep occasionally in order to function, have all just got in the way.

Despite my best intentions that this blog would not just document Dexter's life (oh how I long to be a 'lifestyle' blogger), I'm also a little low on inspiration.

I've been contemplating incorporating some video into a post for a while, but I'm trying to keep it simple. Smart phones make the possibility of capturing anything on film pretty straightforward. The husband has always been good at filming Dexter since he was a tiny baby: me, less so.

I thought I'd share some recent attempts. They are of pretty poor quality and not particularly interesting, but I have a quiet chuckle to myself that in the clip above, Dexter has clearly inherited his mother's snoring habit. and that he seems to resemble the lovechild of a camel (check out those eyelashes) and Elmer Fudd (check out those cheeks).

Below demonstrates his sheer, unadulterated toddler delight at a (rapidly deflating) helium balloon.

So there you have it. Not sure it will have Sofia Coppola quaking in her Louboutins...


  1. Thanks, Kate! They're not the best quality, and I realised later that you can't play them on iPads/phones, but it's just a little experiment.
