Wednesday 30 January 2013

Ten reasons why I love Twitter

1. I have a totally shameless desire to be a celebrity and to have celebrity friends. Twitter makes me feel a tiny bit of both. I collect 'celebrity tweets' like autographs. I am aware this makes me sound like a complete loser: I care not.

2. I have a very busy life. Twitter allows me to keep up-to-date with the latest news, views and opinions, and all of the ephemera in between.

3. I think the art of writing a decent tweet is underrated. It takes skill to capture a message in 140 characters. It's the modern-day aphorism; Jane Austen would be all over it.

4. I have the attention span of a gnat. After a long day at work, an epic commute, a huge pile of planning/marking, and a toddler to deal with, a sentence or so on a single subject is all I can cope with.


6. I've made new buddies and networked like crazy; there's a whole world of virtual loveliness out there. Equally, I like to get a bit ranty or political and Twitter offers a like-minded audience.

7. As a self-confessed telly addict with a huge tolerance for truly terrible tv programmes, I will often spend the entire duration of some trashy Saturday night viewing, 'watching' through the much more hilarious gaze of my Twitter feed.

8. It's been a great way to share and publicise my blogging ventures.

9. Number 8 has sometimes led to public praise and affirmation for my writing. This feels nice.

10. Even after almost two years of compulsive Twitter use/abuse/addiction, I still get excited when my phone/iPad makes the lovely 'you've got a tweet' ding-dong noise.

If you share the Twitter-love, you'll find me there @katywayne

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