Monday 18 February 2013

Monday Snooping...

One of my favourite things about other people's blogs is the 'home tours' you find on them. I am fascinated by interiors and have very aspirational taste when it comes to houses. I can't really define what it is that pleases me so much about having a good old nosey, but I have always been very driven by the aesthetic - something my darling boy seems to be sharing as he is obsessed with colours.

Our Brighton home is definitely not interiors magazine- worthy, but we like it and it's very us. Inspired by Alice's lovely lifestyle blog and her 'Corners of My Home' feature, I spent Dexter's nap time today making the most of the beautiful light and pretending I know what I'm doing with my husband's fancy camera: I don't. I also spent a worryingly long time (the boy sleeps well and was full of this morning's cooked breakfast) faffing with trying to get lettering over my photos.

I'm sort of pleased with the end results although they're a bit amateurish and I don't think Holly Becker will be banging on my door begging me to help style an interiors shoot just yet. I had fun though, and it stopped me sleeping the afternoon away.

I may develop 'Monday Snooping' as a feature, but given that my audience for this blog is still probably limited to people who know me and therefore have actually been inside my home, I may have to take it on tour. Perhaps one day, I'll share the delights of my classroom with you...




  1. you have a lovely home...very jealous of your posh coffee machine!! x

  2. Ah, thank you! What I actually have is a toddler who naps for England and a desire to do anything but mark books during that time. I was just playing today really. Notice there aren't any 'whole room' shots. Also I can't actually work the coffee machine! Thanks for your kind words though. As a novice/relative newbie blogger, it's lovely to receive positive feedback. x
